Develoment focus: UJ RENOVATED
How much longer do things have to remain the same?
I have been part of the university for four years , I am sure that things like the bathrooms, lecture rooms the library and study center have remained the same even before I was a student there. Change is not only about technology and the advancement of the 4th industrial revolution, in my opinion no amount of technology can renovate the physical space, both technology and the environment have to marry each other. I will always feel the need to emphasize on the uniqueness of using pupils being trained by the university for the good of the university...reversed phychology in a way!
Students enrolled in interior design can have projects of renovating the lecture rooms for example or libraries or even the study center.These could be our potential lecture halls ...Do we not deserve it? not only as students but as a country, by making such enormous renovations we can stand out and inspire other develoments
I can only imagine the level of concerntration in such a lecture hall!!!
The university is really not bad at all am saying is that the university can put its student to good use.
I have noticed that the library at DFC usually is overcrowded, this in an opportunity for students in architecture to design strategies or plants that can extent the library to accomodate everyone.
One thing I have learned is that as an organization don't always be profit driven, 50% of what the organization is about should mostly be for it's primary stakeholders so the relationship never dies. Showing constant interest keeps the spark alive.
The main reason I chose to focus on students is because I know how it feels, I am directly impacted and without the interest of students towards the university it wouldn't exist. All I am saying is when you give or offer a service do it the best to ensure survival.
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