
Develoment focus: foreign language and transportation

Everybody is foreigners somewhere! Sometimes having dreams and aspirations of travelling the world to pursue a career or work outside of your own country is GREAT.  Many opportunities are born from this initiative, especially fancial freedom due to the different currencies.  You might never know when you might need it but a foreing language is to me something that I feel can be put to use.   Foreign language  At some point I do feel like a foreing language should be included in every course like latin, I do know that we have students who study latin. It is spoken in more than 20 countries including Barcelona, Venezuela, Brazil, if every student takes a foreing language as a module the foreign language graduates will have a field of practice which is teaching other's the language.   I know learning a new language as an adult can be hard but am sure you'd agree that it feels good to be spoken to in your language, your foreign language might not be 100% perfec...

Develoment focus: UJ retail

The opportunity to give students the chance to show case their passion and talent can help them grow, unlike a work you are told what to do so there really isn't much room for growth.  Chemical engineers  students in this field can be sectioned into different groups, after a very well done research each group can create different projects, for instance group A detergents, group B cometics and beauty products , group C toiletries and perfume.  Many students stay at ress, they buy a lot of these products therefore it would be of great value if the university could make them to perfection and supply them.  As a coutry I think we could grow if we supported local brands provided they are of quality and have added value.  Below is a link to a survey being ran to evaluate the kind of products you buy, please take a minute to engage Fashion designers  I know that this feild is primarily based on passi...

Develoment focus: UJ RENOVATED

 How much longer do  things have to remain the same? I have been part of the university for four years , I am sure that things like the bathrooms, lecture rooms the library and study center have remained the same even before I was a student there. Change is not only about technology and the advancement of the 4th industrial revolution, in my opinion no amount of technology can renovate the physical space, both technology and the environment have to marry each other. I will always feel the need to emphasize on the uniqueness of using pupils being trained by the university for the good of the university...reversed phychology in a way! Students enrolled in interior design can have projects of renovating the lecture rooms for example or libraries or even the study center.These could be our potential lecture halls ...Do we not  deserve it? not only as students but as a country, by making such enormous renovations we can stand out and inspire other develoments ...

Develoment focus: your kind of cafeteria

   UJ REimagined Your kind of university  The opportunity to do the problem based learning approach for work interated learning had indeed given me the chance to adrees some prominant issues that stood out for me during the entire student process. This is a word that I have indeed always wanted to get across, I could say that somehow the corona virus pandemic has opened at least a window for me to begin this project however within  this oppotunity I am encoutering difficulties with bringing this project to life on a digital scale because I lack resources . So I have been thinking there is so much more the university of Johannesburg can do to give back to students. An increase of R300 annual fees can raise a lot of money to at least build a cafeteria on every campus. In my opinion this initiative can be a stepping stone to other upgrates the university can make. A cafeteria at campus will mean that students can be exposed to a balanced diet. 2 out of 10 students inclu...

Develoment focus: your kind of university

 The world today is so advanced, however besides technical advancement there is a lot of other changes we can bring to life to impact our reality. The opportunity to do a problem based learning approach for work integrated learning has made me realize the power I hold as a communicater. No message is recieved unless communicated. During the public relations course it stood out the to me that communication is power, it is through communication that worlds colide, it is a form of expression regardless if the message is good or bad as long as it is potent enough to do its job. Therefore my goal is to spread the word about how the university of Johannesburg can do more for it's students. As a student there is a lot of pressure and strain when pursuing a course not knowing what the next step will be when you have to find a job or an internship to do your practicals that will give you work experience. It is stressful!  There are new graduates every year😱🤯😩 where will your work po...